& why it's so much more than 'just' great sex.
Whilst great sex is a definite aspect (& benefit!) of Tantra; at Tantra for Parents, we refer to Tantra as a lifestyle that invites conscious union into every aspect of our lives, thus it’s all about relationships.
Relationship with ourselves, others, Spirit, the Earth etc.

Tantra creates fulfilling relationships when two people do the ‘big’ work - to grow together. i.e. to show up in the relationship as their whole self, which includes their darker, less enlightened self.
By committing to this work, we build our capacity to make more conscious (and therefore loving) choices.
In turn, we experience a greater sense of well-being, aliveness and the belief that every part/chapter of our life’s journey is sacred; & that even our challenges are here to help us heal & grow in to our fullest potential.
Only then can the things that ‘annoy’ or trigger us become the doorway to unlocking real passion and connection.
We no longer resist those things that trigger us, but rather embrace them.
We no longer deny our Truth, but have the courage to honour it.
Our bodies become a temple, Our relationships; a mirror, Our work; our purpose Our children; our teachers.
Tantric philosophy is a lifestyle that builds a relationship with an inner life-force that is the source of true joy, passion, faith & love.
A core component of being able to access & attune to this higher energy, is in the grounded, daily practice of self-care.
When we care for ourselves in a way that is truly nourishing, we naturally honour & express loving-boundaries that support our deeper needs & desires.
By mastering our boundaries, caring for ourselves and meeting our own needs in a loving way, we effectively ‘re-parent’ ourselves.
Our inner-child feels safe to be authentic, & we’re free to be our True selves.
This is a practice that, like any muscle, requires consistency and practise. It becomes stronger over time, & eventually more effortless.
The practice of Tantra requires a dropping of ‘the masks’ so many of us wear. It’s about seeing the facades we hold as protective measures, & with love & compassion, learning to lower (& eventually completely drop) them so that you can reclaim & be the person you were born to be.
Engaging in sex from this place acts as a natural expression of our love that is deeply touching, nourishing and fuels us with a radiant love for life.
So yes, you do get to enjoy passionate sex, but Tantra is really about inviting deeper passion, aliveness & love in to the whole of your life, your relationship, & your parenting.